Batik Indonesia

Batik Indonesia
Batik Indonesia

Jumat, 17 September 2010

The History of Batik

Javanese traditional batik, especially from Yogyakarta and Surakarta, has special meanings rooted to the Javanese conceptualization of the universe. Traditional colours include indigo, dark brown, and white, which represent the three major Hindu Gods (Brahmā, Visnu, and Śiva). This is related to the fact that natural dyes are most commonly available in indigo and brown. Certain patterns can only be worn by nobility; traditionally, wider stripes or wavy lines of greater width indicated higher rank. Consequently, during Javanese ceremonies, one could determine the royal lineage of a person by the cloth he or she was wearing.
Other regions of Indonesia have their own unique patterns that normally take themes from everyday lives, incorporating patterns such as flowers, nature, animals, folklore or people. The colours of pesisir batik, from the coastal cities of northern Java, is especially vibrant, and it absorbs influence from the Javanese, Arab, Chinese and Dutch culture. In the colonial times pesisir batik was a favorite of the Peranakan Chinese, Dutch and Eurasians.
UNESCO designated Indonesian batik as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity on October 2, 2009. As part of the acknowledgment, UNESCO insisted that Indonesia preserve their heritage.[1]
Batik is an artistic technique of dyeing a cloth by using a wax-resist method. Wax-resist method is the most traditional way to dye or color a cloth. This method prevents the dye from spreading on the entire cloth and so as to give a beautiful pattern or design on the cloth. Batik is regarded as the cultural and traditional art in Indonesia. The traditional colors used for Batik are deep shades of indigo, dark brown and white which symbolize the three main Hindu Gods. Javanese Batik, from Jog Jakarta with some particular meaning is found in countries of West Africa like Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Uganda and Mali with the true Javanese idea, and in Asia like India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Iran, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Burma.
Long ago, in the ancient period around 1500 years ago, the dye resist designs on the cloth were found in Egypt and the Middle East along with the two major countries, samples are also found in Turkey, India, China, Japan and West Africa around hundreds of years ago. In the present date, Batik is highly developed form of art found on the island of Java, Indonesia. In the 17th century, the fabrics were highly decorated with Dutch transcripts, by it is often believed that complicated designs in Java were possible when the finely woven imported cloth that was from India to Indonesia in 1800s and then from Europe in 1815. The similar Batik designs that were done on textiles earlier are noticed on stone statues that are beautifully sculptured on the walls of Javanese temples like Prambanan AD 800, but then it is not yet confirmed that the cloth was Batik. These designs could be produced by weaving techniques too. However, by the 19th century became greatly developed form of art in the cultural life of the Javanese.
There were some specific Batik designs worn by the Javanese royalty and thus it was felt that Batik was originally meant to be worn by the monarchs of the royal Sultan's palace. The Princesses and royal women might have encouraged the finest designs of Batik that reflect the traditional patters. Well, the untidy dyeing work with consequent waxing was done by the court artisans who worked under their direction.
Known as the great fans of art, Javanese royalty supported the development of traditional art form like silver embellishment, leather puppets known as wayang kulit in java and gamelan orchestra. The Javanese dalang (puppeteer) was a major source for the Batik patterns too. Wayang puppets are made from goat skin which was treated and colored to build false impression on the puppet, were usually sold to women who could get the necessary idea of batik designs from these puppets. The used charcoal and blew it through the holes that describe the design of puppet clothing, so that they could copy complicated patterns onto the cloth.
However, some scholars deny the fact that Batik was originally meant for royalty as they feel that it is meant for the rakyat, the people too. It was considered as a significant job for young women of the Central Java, revealing the fact that they are capable enough to handle a canting (an instrument shaped like pen to apply wax to the cloth) with enough tact and skill just like skills used in cookery or other household arts.

Article Source: 
^ a b c Indonesian Batik Inscribed in 2009 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

1 komentar:

  1. hi
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    Nama saya: Daniel Tan Kah Beng
